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DIANA Gourmet

DIANA gourmet was established based on the desire to open in Râmnicu Vâlcea, the first exclusive groceries store with premium & bio food. The main goal is to offer the citizens access to high quality products, perfect for a healthy and harmonious lifestyle. To make a long story short, we wanted to turn shopping into a more challenging and sensory experience.

From the idea to becoming real, „quality„ was the keyword. The choice of assortment was one of the most difficult process, as we wanted to bring some products for the first time in Vâlcea, in a commercial space that excelled in quality, functionality, innovation and design. The store offer starts with meat products, basic foods and reaches up to the cosmetics shelf, a route where the senses of the buyers are fully awakened by the qualities and appearance of the products, chosen with great care.

An exclusive attention was paid to DIANA meat products, aisle where customers can find premium products ranging from pork and sheep to fresh and juicy beef for kitchen enthusiasts and gourmet lovers.

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